Words / Mat Lloyd matlloyd.com
Animation / Matt Frodsham mattfrodsham.com
Animation / Matt Frodsham mattfrodsham.com
A bit about the poem from Mat Lloyd:
"I wrote the poem on a canvas with a marker pen the morning after I was attacked.
The night before I was in my local park on the opening day of the skate park I'd helped get built, it was nearly midnight. We'd organised a DJ to play the day out in a marquee and I just popped out to take a leak. In my drunken state I was stumbling to find a bush when I heard, and felt, a sort of 'boink' sound. I knew I'd been hit on the back of the head, and I knew it wasn't with a fist. I don't remember much else other than being back at the marquee with a bleeding head.
I was very lucky as a number of my friends and other revelers had spotted me being kicked on the floor and ran over to drag me out. For that I am very grateful.
"I wrote the poem on a canvas with a marker pen the morning after I was attacked.
The night before I was in my local park on the opening day of the skate park I'd helped get built, it was nearly midnight. We'd organised a DJ to play the day out in a marquee and I just popped out to take a leak. In my drunken state I was stumbling to find a bush when I heard, and felt, a sort of 'boink' sound. I knew I'd been hit on the back of the head, and I knew it wasn't with a fist. I don't remember much else other than being back at the marquee with a bleeding head.
I was very lucky as a number of my friends and other revelers had spotted me being kicked on the floor and ran over to drag me out. For that I am very grateful.
Two Inches to the Right from Matt Frodsham on Vimeo.
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